a group of people in an office

B.S. in Organizational Leadership

The degree allows for a large amount of student personalization through ample elective credits, as well as the possibility of credit for prior learning gained through various sources such as professional experiences, the military, training, community work, and personal study.

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Plan Your Degree

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

M: MATH 1001 OR 1111

Quantitative Skills and Reasoning or College Algebra

I2: XIDS 2002

First-Year Seminar Course

P2: POLS 1101

American Government

S1 OR P1

World or US History


Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

S1 OR P1

World or US History

F: Major Course 3
T1: Science + Lab 4
A: Humanities 3


  • Students are encouraged to complete 1/2000 level ORGL or social science courses to prepare for upper division coursework. However, Core area F is designed to be flexible to accommodate the inclusion of a variety of lower division courses. Students must consult with the ORGL advisor.


14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
F: PSYC 1101

Intro to General Psychology

I1: COMM 1100 OR 1110

Human Communication or Public Speaking

F: Major Course 3
S2: Social Science 3
T2: Non-lab Science 3

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
F: Major Course 3
F: Major Course 3
F: Major Course 3
A: Humanities 3
T3: STEM Course 3


  • Students are encouraged to complete 1/2000 level ORGL or social science courses to prepare for upper division coursework. However, Core area F is designed to be flexible to accommodate the inclusion of a variety of lower division courses. Students must consult with the ORGL advisor.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
ORGL 3000

Reflective Seminar I (Self as Learner)

ORGL 3050

Reflective Seminar II (Self in Context)

General Elective 3
Major Core 3
Major Core 3
Major Core 3


  • No more than 3 hours of directed readings or independent studies can count toward the major. No ORGL course in which the student receives a grade lower than “C” may count toward the major.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ORGL 4000

Reflective Seminar II (Transforming Self, Self-Transformation)

Major Core 3
Major Core 3
Major Elective 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3


14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
Major Core 3
Major Core 3
Major Elective 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ORGL 4690

Organizational Leadership Capstone

Major Core 3
Major Elective 3
Major Elective 3
General Elective 3


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Crush Your Course

First Year:

  • Focus on your core courses to build your foundations.
  • Your English and Communication courses will help you with your political science coursework
  • Take POLS 1101- Intro to American Government right away! It’s a prerequisite for all your other political science major courses.

Middle Years:

  • Don’t put off those science and math courses!
  • Make sure to mix these in with your other coursework so that you’re developing the skills you need when you need them and not overwhelming yourself in a single semester.
  • Identify courses within each area of your major (like comparative, international relations, etc.) that fit with your career goals.

Last Year:

  • Use your electives to explore other disciplines and find courses complementary to your major! Not sure where to start? Ask your political science faculty and your advisor what they would recommend!

Find Your Place

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

  • Consider running for office in student government.
  • Hone your leadership skills by mentoring new political science students.
  • Ask about research opportunities with your favorite political science professor.

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Connect Off-Campus

First Year:

  • Visit Wolves Vote to learn about the voting process and registration.
  • Consider volunteering for a campaign or organization in your community.

Middle Years:

  • Complete an internship in your field.
  • Consider a summer or part-time job.
  • Ask your department about networking opportunities with alumni.

Last Year:

  • Ask for advice from professionals in your field of interest.
  • Explore career shadowing opportunities.

Take Care of Yourself

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Pave Your Path

First Year:

Middle Years:

  • Draft your resume and attend a resume blitz.
  • Learn about how to network on social media and update your Handshake profile.
  • Draft your personal statement.
  • Visit the graduate school to find out about graduate programs and admission requirements.

Last Year:

  • Request references from professors and supervisors.
  • Draft your resume cover letter and personal statement and revise it with career services.
  • Attend business fairs and career fairs at 澳门新普京注册 and across the state.
  • Attend an interview workshop.
  • Apply for graduate programs.


Three people talking around a laptop

Career Opportunities

This degree may help you get work as the following:

  • Human Resource Managers
  • Industrial Production Management
  • Management Analysts/Consultants
  • Medical and Health Services Managers
  • Nonprofit Executive Director
  • Postsecondary Education Administrators
  • Sales Managers
  • School Principals
  • Top Executives/Corporate Officers
  • Training and Development Manager


Have any questions about your major?

Book an Advising Appointment

Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!